Father Klaus Nauman, SVD, shall be overall Program Director of ASPM and shall appoint one administration manager/Program Coordinator. The Donor or his representative shall visit ASPM each year and together with ASPM shall decide on the budget and shall review overall performance/finance.
Organisation structure
Participating Parties
Program Director:
Father Klaus Naumann
Donor-Germany: Mam Belgi
Program Coordinator (PC): Father Bollen
Parents and schools: Hilfe Direct-Germany
Scholarship holder
Reporting System
Each scholarship holder will write a letter and report every 6 months to ASPM to tell about his activities, problems, achievements etc.
The Program Coordinator shall present a summary report each semester and assist in preparing the Annual Report and Financial Statement.
The ASPM/director shall submit to the Donor an annual evaluation report about ASPM activities and a review of progress for each scholarship holder. This file also includes a financial/budget report of all revenue and expenditures of ASPM.
ASPM official reporting and financial data forms comprise:
- Scholarship holder data sheet
- Candidate application form
- Scholarship holder agreement with ASPM
- Official ASPM invoice/receipt (school)
- quarterh/annual report
- Budget (revenu and expenditure) form, annual
- File for each scholarship holder
This file includes all data, personal, school, tests, finances. All financial transactions must be duly recorded and documented using the standard ASPM forms Finance/Budget procedures
Funds for ASPM shall come from donors (foster parents) in Germany. Funds shall be transfered as agreed directly to Program Coordinator account via “Hilfe Direkt” in Germany (tax deductable) Donations shall go 100%(1:1) to the student or the school. Payment for school fee will be done bi-annually. Purchase of books/school materials shall be done for all stipendiate by Program Coordinator (Cletus Beru).