Every donation, whatever amount, non-recurring or long-term, is welcome. We guarantee that the scholarship holder is supported until he or she graduates. We would appreciate heartly your long-term support for the scholarship holder.
Yearly donations are:- Highschool student 240 €
- College student 360 €
Please transfer your donation to the following bank account
Steyler Mission, St. Augustin
Styler Bank
DE77 3862 1500 0000 0110 09
in favour of ASPM Father Klaus. You will receive a contribution receipt for your tax report.
Please let me know amount and date of your transfer. You will receive detailed documents and photographs of your scholarship holder. Additionally I'll send you the ASPM annual report.
Funds for ASPM shall be provided by donations from Germany; priority by Dr. Dietrich Lerche. In the future it is also planned to look for additional donors (stipendium parents). The donations shall be directly and 100% given to the scholarship holder (school). Moreover donor Dietrich Lerche shall pay for Program Coordinator (honor and transport). All payment from ASPM account/cash must be approved by the ASPM Director. All expenditures must follow standard financial forms/procedures. The Program Coordinator shall prepare annual financial statement/report (school year) and budget proposal for the coming year. Both will have to be approved by Program Director and donor.
It is assured that no administrative cost are deducted and that all donations are used for the stipendiates. Supply of funds shall depend on program performance and capacity of donors.